As a new year is now upon us, we thought it was about time we played with some of our long standing recipes, and worked on a few new ones!

As an overview, all beers will now be hoppier, which can never be a bad thing! First trials of the new Wensleydale Bitter and Poacher IPA are tasting damn fine. It's always a shame when you have to drive home at the end of a day at work, when work involves making such a tasty product, and said product contains alcohol. The installation of bunk beds are in discussion!
Falconer Session Bitter will also benefit from a larger malt bill, to add a bit more body, and make it even tastier!
Even more brand new recipes are in development and undergoing trial brews, including a super IPA and Wensley'd Ale.
Look out for the new recipes hitting pumps as we speak, across Yorkshire and the North . . .